Unread post
by Iakimo » Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:53 am
1UP Liveblog
The event will begin soon...
2:11 Scooter: Hey everyone, we are still waiting while people are checking in.
2:11 Scooter: Now the doors are opening.
2:12 Scooter: We just been told no photos or videos. USE IMAGination!
2:15 Scooter: Reception sucks here. I have no idea how well this will work.
2:18 Scooter: HOLY SMOKES
2:18 Scooter: I finally have internet!
2:18 Scooter: SW themeQ!
2:18 Scooter: Montage of movie clips
2:18 Scooter: DR Ray on screen talking about Star Wars RPG stuff
2:19 Scooter: all KOTOR footage on screen so far. nothing new
2:19 Scooter: So manu talking heads
2:19 Scooter: Now they're talking about KOTOR 2, wihch bioware didnt do, wheeee!
2:20 Scooter: Now they're babbling about the comics
2:20 Scooter: Dr Ray likes the toys, apparently.
2:20 Scooter: Some Lucasarts suit talks abougt "one of the worst kept secrets in the industry"
2:20 Scooter: Lucasrts suit = Gerry Rodriguez
2:21 Scooter: Darrell
2:21 Scooter: I totally got his name wrong.
2:21 Scooter: He finally called it the online KOTOR
2:21 Scooter: He's talkig about how awesome Buoiware is and how they're friends with EA
2:21 Scooter: Star Wars IP plus BioWare storytelling plus EA coolness
2:22 Scooter: Dr Ray and Greg are now here.
2:22 Scooter: Ray is still the Spock of hte gaming industry
2:22 Scooter: Ray is talking about the rumors, such as Howard the Duck the MMO
2:22 Scooter: I totally would play that.
2:22 Scooter: THX-1138 was another joke idea.
2:23 Scooter: MMO in the KOTOR universe, again, verified by Ray.
2:23 Scooter: "A dynamic period full of jedi and sith"
2:23 Scooter: Story-based MMO
2:23 Scooter: I hope it's like age of conan, but better.
2:23 Scooter: Ray wants to make something innovative and storybased
2:24 Scooter: Now he's talking about the KOTOR3 and going into KOTOR6, but decided to go MMO route
2:24 Scooter: listing the four pillars: exploration, customization, combat, and ...
2:24 Scooter: STORY
2:24 Scooter: story gives MEANING
2:25 Scooter: Ray is talking about living the archetypal moments of the SW universe
2:25 Scooter: Greg is talking about state of the game and how it's playable
2:25 Scooter: "We're not going to be playing it today"
2:25 Scooter: Doh
2:25 Scooter: Greg is dropping mad MMO acronyms like RVR PVP etc
2:26 Scooter: But he's talking about a game for KOTOR fans who don't play MMOs
2:26 Scooter: Companion characters are now the topic
2:26 Scooter: COMPANIONS ARE IN. HK-47 PET?!?!?!?
2:26 Scooter: You can't have Han Solo without Chewbacca is the analogy Greg uses.
2:27 Scooter: Companions will have own stories and quests, and you can manipulate them if you're an evil dark side duder
2:27 Scooter: BG2 is COMPLETELY DWARFED by this game (size-wise)
2:27 Scooter: TRAILER TIME
2:28 Scooter: still plying logos
2:28 Scooter: title scroll about imminent war between sith and old republic
2:28 Scooter: olde tyme space shio,and close up of a crystal thingy
2:28 Scooter: there's an assassin droid on screen
2:29 Scooter: some jedi dude is force choking some soldier fool
2:29 Scooter: EPISODE 1 FIGHT MUSIC whike two jedi are dueling
2:29 Scooter: "your saga begins online"
2:29 Scooter: Star Wars: the Old republic = title
2:30 Scooter: Ray is introducing James Ohlen
2:30 Scooter: Lead designer on KOTOR and Baldur's Gate
2:30 Scooter: He's got street cred
2:30 Scooter: He's going to talk about high level design stuff
2:31 Scooter: KOTOR is the coolest game of my career, and SW: Old republic is even MORE exciting! compelling!
2:31 Scooter: "bringing story to the online space"
2:31 Scooter: takes place 3500 years before movies
2:31 Scooter: there's a haggard jedi looking guy plus some random monster art on screen while he talks
2:31 Scooter: 300 years after KOTOR 1 and 2
2:32 Scooter: New Sith Empire is THE MAN
2:32 Scooter: terentatex= ny Star wars nerd know what this is?it was just onscreen
2:32 Scooter: Faction: Galactic Republic or Sith Empire
2:32 Scooter: classes within each faction
2:33 Scooter: he's talking about individual stories of characters like han solo and luke
2:33 Scooter: that's the dynamic he wants; players with own stories who commune with others
2:33 Scooter: players will have to make hard choices
2:33 Scooter: "good, evil, pragmatic, or unpredictable"
2:34 Scooter: reiterates that companion characters are important to both bioware games and SW movies
2:34 Scooter: companions, player choice, unique classes, and players joining together are the key factors of the experience
2:34 Scooter: now here comes the art director
2:35 Scooter: Jeff Dobson, he's worked on other MMOs
2:35 Scooter: quick aside: no in game art has been shown so far
2:35 Scooter: all art is concept art so far
2:36 Scooter: Dobson is talking about making it Star Wars and recognizable
2:36 Scooter: oh wait, a kinda cool image of a olde tyme trooper just flashed by
2:36 Scooter: looks pretty KOTOR-ish
2:37 Scooter: it's a trooper design i haven't really seen
2:37 Scooter: NOT EVEN ANTHONY knows what the trooper was!
2:37 Scooter: he's a huge SW nerd
2:38 Scooter: he's talking about how they gotta get the character art right, since that's ALL YOU SEE IN AN MMO
2:38 Scooter: why is he talking about broad shoulders and square jaws if you're going to wear space armor? that's a mystery to me.
2:39 Scooter: AHA, he just talks about how the art is designed to run across ALL range of PCs
2:39 Scooter: he's talking about a video that's coming up
2:40 Scooter: pre-production footage marker just flashed by
2:40 Scooter: unoptimized framerate!
2:40 Scooter: just location shots so far
2:40 Scooter: now jedi and droids and combat sequences
2:40 Scooter: no UI, so i cant tell you how it's actually playing out.
2:41 Scooter: anythony said it reminded him of age of conan with a bit of WoW
2:41 Scooter: combat-aninmation wise
2:41 Scooter: choppy jedi swings
2:41 Scooter: back to the title card
2:42 Scooter: ray is talking about general overview stuff
2:42 Scooter: there will be PvP, raids, etc.
2:42 Scooter: still no specifics about classes or anything
2:43 Scooter: it's still early, and now they're done talking
2:43 Scooter: So really, all that's been said and shown is some choppy combat and talks about story stuff without specifics
2:43 Scooter: we'll have breakout sessions, and will try to get more info from them...
(The feed then goes on to Q&A from the feed audience)