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Sharing From the Offical eMule <to> Closed Shared Shar

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 8:31 pm
by Porkster
(ability update...)

It is possible to keep your eMule separate to Shareaza and still offer partial files to be shared to the private Shareaza Group.

Here is what you need to do.

1. Have Shareaza normally in closed security mode (local ip sharing !).

2. Add a default Bridging rule of ip "" mask "" which allows searching and host return lists.

3. Add a rule for each major eMule server. Being IP and mask "". Add about 3-6 for the best servers.

4. Add a friend profile in eMule with ip "" on the port "6346" can grant priority slot if you can.

5. Now copy the ed2k from eMule of the downloading file you want to offer in Shareaza local group. Add the ed2k link in Shareaza.

The files should now update each other and you will gain the bonus of local sharing whilst keeping other downloads private.


Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 3:55 am
by Porkster
This works better on eMule28+ and setting uploads as high as you want the file to transfer to your shareaza client.

eMule 28+, has a grant friend slot whih makes gaining queue priorities better but in some cases your link can be reset and you need to grant the slot again. Not a perfect setup but it's interesting that this can be done.
