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Sims 3: Misc Mods

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:04 pm
by Anach
These are my own personal mods that I use to tune the game to my liking. Many of these tweaks will make the game harder by increasing expenditure and decreasing income. The mods are modular and will not conflict with each other.

All these have been updated for 1.67, and while you may find similar mods elsewhere, these versions are my own personal settings and entirely updated for the current version of the game with all EP/SP installed. I do not support any other versions than the version I play.

It is likely my descriptions do not list every tweaked value, as it can be difficult to recall each setting. If you don't like the settings, you can easily change them yourself or remove them without risk to your save-games. I do not do custom requests of these tweaks, as the majority are easily tunable to your own liking using S3PE. Use at your own risk.


Anach_5x_Vacation_Price - Increases the costs of going on Vacation.
Anach_AdoptionPrice - Increases the price of adopting a child to 10000.
Anach_AgingTweaks - Removes CAS age stagger and doubles the occult agespan.
Anach_All_Buyable - Adds missing skill books, allows buying most WA items as well as some hidden base game items, and adds the ability to use WA registers in non-vacation worlds.
Anach_AmbrosiaGroupServe - Allows for a group serving of Ambrosia (needed for the food replicator.)
Anach_Babysitter_Tweaks - Slight price increase and other minor tweaks.
Anach_BeAskedToMoveIn - Be asked by autonomously by teens and others more frequently.
Anach_BoardingSchoolCost - 10x cost for Boarding Schools.
Anach_BoastAboutGrandchildren - Adults can boast.
Anach_BouncerBribe_x10 - Increases the bribe required for club bouncers.
Anach_BurglarTweaks - Removes Sims psychic burglar detection.
Anach_Butler_Tweaks - Cost of hiring a butler is increased to 6600, as well as some food preparation tweaks.
Anach_CameraHeightMin - Game camera minimum height is lowered close to the floor.
Anach_CASDetails8x2 - Allows for using more Moles, Freckles and Age details in CAS.
Anach_CelebrityDifficulty - Increases the points required to become a Celeb, and halves the chances of getting caught.
Anach_CelebSuePaparazzi - Wins, loses and bribes for the Paparazzi are considerably increased (based on level).
Anach_ChildrenTrainSimFix - Prevents children from being able to train adults on gym equipment (missing animations).
Anach_ClubClosingTimes_12hr - Max of 12 hour openings for people replacing service sims with town sims.
Anach_ClubClosingTimes - All clubs close at 5a.m.
Anach_ConsignmentFees - Small tweak to the profit margins of the Consignment stores, based on the hidden Consignment Skill.
Anach_DiapiersToNappies - Changes the word Diaper to Nappy where applicable.
Anach_DonationAmount - Increases the medium and large amounts for charity donations as well as the buff received.
Anach_FallToAutumn - Changes season Fall season name to Autumn where applicable.
Anach_Fires - Increases the expansion and difficulty of fire.
Anach_FishTankCapacity - Doubles the fish allowed in the fish tank.
Anach_GenieTweak - Changes "More Wishes" chance to 10% from 5% and removes pregnancy restrictions.
Anach_HigherBillsRegular - Bills are 4x, but only delivered once per week instead of twice. Also changes bookclub day to Friday.
Anach_IceCreamTruck - Less visit chance for ice cream truck.
Anach_InteractionQueueLimit16 - Maximum queued interactions is doubled to 16.
Anach_InteractionTweaks - Various personal interaction tweaks. Autonomous "Ask to move in" interaction, sets "Ask sign" and "As if Single" to friendly, Ask/Offer to turn for vampires, teen bands and other social interactions available for teens.
Anach_LessGnomes - Less pet and freezer bunny gnomes.
Anach_LongerEating - Meals take longer to eat and Sims will sit around chatting longer after finishing meals.
Anach_MaidTweaks - Maid now costs 250 per day. Two maids will come if 10 items or more need cleaning. Increases likelihood of same Maid returning.
Anach_MedicalPanicChildFix - Excludes children from the medical panic situation (Missing animations.)
Anach_Mixologist_Tweaks - Mixologists cost 500.
Anach_MoodDifficultyx2 - Doubles the happiness required to fill the mood meter.
Anach_Newspaper_Tweaks - Adds 5 Simoleon price to delivery, and changes delivery location to mailbox instead of front door.
Anach_No_Sting - Removes woohoo, try for baby & relationship chimes.
Anach_NoAnnoyingMusic - Removes majority of Build/Buy/CAS music. Also removes Firefighter and Ghost Hunter career music.
Anach_NoAutoPetFollow - Pets no longer follow Sims everywhere.
Anach_NoAutoPetsInvestigateStrangeSims - Pets no longer disturb your occult sims.
Anach_NoAutoPetWakeUp - Pets wont wake Sim autonomously.
Anach_NoFreeIngredients - No free ingredients for new homes or switching households.
Anach_NoIntro - Removes the game start Intro movie.
Anach_NoSpongeBathRestrict - Anyone can sponge-bath at anytime.
Anach_Party_Tweaks - Increases maximum party guests allowed to 25. Also tweaks food and bring friend changes.
Anach_PotionPrices - Doubles potion prices.
Anach_PregnancyTweaks - Pregnancy lasts 9 Sim days on epic (Untested durations with new aging sliders)
Anach_PurchaseScraps - Purchase 10x the amount of scrap.
Anach_ReactionRemover - Removes the scared reactions for when a Sim sees a Ghost, Mummy, Simbot.
Anach_RealEstateIncome - Increases the cost of Real Estate by 10x, and decreases the income by 50%.
Anach_Repairman_Tweaks - Repairman costs 500.
Anach_RestoreGhostCost - Restore Ghost costs 150000. How much are you willing to pay to bring back a loved one?
Anach_RichValue - Sims are classed as "Rich" when their lot value is over 500000.
Anach_SitOnBathToilet - Allows user-directed sitting on toilets and bath tubs and fixes missing "Sit" translation for Uber-Toilet.
Anach_SlowVehicles - Vehicles capped to more pedestrian friendly speeds.
Anach_StartingFunds - Doubles starting funds.
Anach_VampTweaks - Various vampire tweaks. Enables autonomous NPC Vampires, increases Sun damage, increases friendship gained with "make sim think about me" power, increases cost of cure to 60k and other minor tweaks.
Anach_WashHandsChance - Normal Sims have 75% change of washing hands. Slobs 0%, Neat 100%.


Enables the bikini n swimwear for elders.


Ownable, drivable, customisable vehicles. (rig fixed)

Anach_CarLimoBlue.package - Recolourable Limo
Anach_CarPolice.package - Reward Police Car (debug)
Anach_CarServiceFireTruck.package - Small Fire Truck (debug)


This is an altereration of Sunset Valley to include room for the various EP/SP/Store lots.

As I like Sunset Valley, and have an established family line within this town, I wanted to continue playing this town, but was finding it increasingly difficult to place the lots that keep coming with each expanion. I looked at some other custom worlds, but none of them were exactly what I was looking for.

My main goal was to make minimal changes to the terrain and leave all the original lots in place, while adding enough lots to include the new lot types from the various expanions and DLC. The size and location of the lots is to suit my own game and may not be to everyone's taste.

I have used NO store or custom content and all new lots are vacant. All standard lots and town families are untouched.

15x20 x1
35x25 x2
30x20 x7
30x30 x6
40x30 x3
40x40 x2
60x60 x2
64x64 x2

+ Intital release.

+ Routing fixes
- Removed rogue shrub

+ Routing fixes
+ fixed edges on some default EA lots.