OopsA VIDEO game made by an Australian man that encourages players to massacre Muslim people has caused international outrage.
Muslim Massacre is promoted as taking place after the US "declares war" on the religion of Islam and encourages players to wipe out followers.
'Muslim Massacre' game causes uproar
http://www.news.com.au/technology/story ... 17,00.html
It's ironic that, had nothing been said, this little game would have had a mediocre fanbase at best and a small amount of notoriety. Having been posted in the news, whoever reported it has instead gained the game a much bigger following that it would previously have had.
While I certainly don't condone prejudice, this game was harmless really, and just someones idea of 'a bit of fun' and yes, I would say the same if it was a game called 'Christian Culling' or 'Kill the Jews' or 'Assassinate the israelites' etc etc
With the media coverage it will be much more well known than it otherwise would have been. So really, those who take offence at it have done themselves more harm than had they just ignored it.
While I certainly don't condone prejudice, this game was harmless really, and just someones idea of 'a bit of fun' and yes, I would say the same if it was a game called 'Christian Culling' or 'Kill the Jews' or 'Assassinate the israelites' etc etc
With the media coverage it will be much more well known than it otherwise would have been. So really, those who take offence at it have done themselves more harm than had they just ignored it.