Hmmm... well yeah, it is
definately not a finished product, but what is in there looks very promising.
Here's a screenshot, showing pdcpp trying to get the file from 6 people simultaneously, and succeeding with 2 of them.
This morning, it had got those 2 of the segments successfully, but wasn't trying to get the rest, even though there were ppl with free slots for the file.
It just said that 7/9 people were online and it was 'waiting'. After crashing while trying to encourage it to restart downloading, it decided to try the slots again, but then for some reason, it decided to start downloading at segment A again, rather than continuing.
It's also hell buggy, and liable to crash often, especially if you start playing around with the queue.
Combine this with no upload limiting (OMG I thought that got killed yonks ago) becuase this is mod on DC++ 0.20 (I think) and you've got a DC++ program with some promise, but is ultimately not complete and not worth everyday use.
Segemented downloading isn't as efficient as true multisourcing either - you still need a complete source file to start with, and can't share out the segments (well you could do, manually), so this more like a hybrid between whole file transfers and multisource.
Defninately a feature worthwhile having and a version to keep an eye on. If one of the 'pro' DC++ mods takes up the code, and cleans it up, this could be quite beneficial to the community.